Ministry moves to end ‘heavy bag’ ordeal for pupils
PUTRAJAYA: The Education Ministry wants all primary schools to reduce the number of workbooks used during lessons to end the rampant “heavy bag phenomenon” in Chinese schools, as well as to lighten parents’ financial burden. Powered by WPeMatico
Study drugs as cheap as RM5
JOHOR BARU: School and university students are paying as low as RM5 for drugs to help them keep alert and awake to study during examination time. Powered by WPeMatico
Police identify 420 schools as high risk for substance abuse
KUALA LUMPUR: The police and the Education Ministry have identified 420 schools nationwide as high risk for serious drug abuse, said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed. Powered by WPeMatico
Chong: DAP should stop misleading the public
KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Education Minister Datuk Chong Sin Woon said the DAP should stop misleading the public over the government allocations for Chinese vernacular schools. Powered by WPeMatico
Learning to be safety-savvy online
With more youngsters accessing social media, the Government is introducing online security in schools to create good digital citizens. Powered by WPeMatico
Thumbs up to NiE
Educators give their feedback on how students fared at lessons where the newspaper was used as a learning tool, after gaining invaluable tips and techniques from trainers at earlier workshops. Powered by WPeMatico
Raising awareness on violence in early childhood
THE Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Council is organising the National ECCE Week 2017 from Oct 21 to 28. Powered by WPeMatico
Adieu to a great cikgu
APSAH Aliah, will leave a void that would be hard to replace at SMK Mantin, Negri Sembilan. Powered by WPeMatico
Parents: Can teachers cope with new standards?
PETALING JAYA: Stakeholders welcome the use of imported textbooks, but are sceptical about whether teachers will be able to cope with the foreign standards. Powered by WPeMatico
Only imported English textbooks from next year
PETALING JAYA: Starting next year, imported English textbooks will be used in schools instead of locally produced ones. Powered by WPeMatico