‘Bring back English-medium schools’

JOHOR BARU: Eight out of 10 Johoreans want the return of English-medium government schools and a “one school for all concept”, according to a survey. Powered by WPeMatico

Celebrating 20 years of NiE

Star-NiE is looking for teenagers (aged between 14 and 19 in 2018) to be part of our 2018 BRATs Young Journalist Programme. Powered by WPeMatico

Creating holistic talents to ride the waves of change

The key to building a disruption-ready workforce is to produce adaptable, and resilient critical thinkers, with strong skills in communication. Tomorrow’s graduates must be balanced individuals who can work in a team, say education experts at a recent roundtable session. Powered by WPeMatico

Big milestone for eight universities

KUALA LUMPUR: Eight universities – two private and six public – achieved Tier Six or outstanding status in the Rating System for Malaysian Higher Education 2017 (Setara). Powered by WPeMatico