Who should do the D.Ed?

Academically qualified individuals with working experience in the education sector for a number of years; with a working familiarity with either a teaching, management or administrative role

Individuals with a strong desire to address or resolve a specific issue or area within his or her professional practice (as opposed to a specialized study of a narrow theoretical field)

Individuals who have completed a Masters program.


Why is UCF’s D.Ed special?
Our D.Ed is a professional doctorate and designed for working professionals who have practical experience in their field and want to increase their knowledge, advance their careers, and translate their work experience into a higher position of credibility, leadership, and influence. Our professional doctorate programme can help you learn how to:

Evaluate the relevance of current and emerging theories and practices within your field related to education.

Formulate effective solutions to complex, real-world problems common to education and leadership.

Apply current research to practical problems in the context of 21st century education.

Design rigorous research that expands the professional body of knowledge in your field.

Offers specialisation in 3 areas:

  • Educational Management
  • Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
  • Educational Research

Full delivery of course available online (with option of face-to-face if candidate wants to visit the campus).

Programme Structure

Intake Duration Total credit hour
April & October Minimum 3 years (6 Semesters)
Maximum 8 years (16 Semesters)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester 1 – 3 Compulsory courses
Semester 2 – 3 Specialisation courses
Semester 1 – 2 Specialisation courses
Semester 2 – Dissertation
Dissertation (cont’d)

Entry requirements

Candidates may be admitted into the DED programme with any of the following minimum qualifications :

A Masters degree (Level 7) as approved by University Senate or

Other qualifications which is equivalent with master level, as approved by the University Senate (English Requirement)

A minimum score of 550 in Paper- Based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or

A minimum score of 213 in Computer- Based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or

A minimum score of 80 in Internet- Based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or

A minimum score of Band 6.0 in IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or

The applicants native language is English or National language or

Applicant graduated from institutions of higher learning which use English Language as the medium of instruction

List of courses offered in the programme

Semester 1-Year 1
 EATK8115 Approaches to Knowledge
 EQUN8115 Quantitative Research Methods
 EQUL8115 Qualitative Research Methods
 Semester 2-Year 1 (Choose Specialisation A,B or C)
Educational Management (A) Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment (B) Educational Research (C) Required
ELME8125 Leadership and Management for Educational Institutions  ECIN8125 Curriculum and Instruction EADP8125 Advanced Doctoral Research Practices EQUN8115
EHRFM8125 Human Resource and Financial Management for Education EEAS 8125 Educational Assessment EPAR8125 Participatory Action Research EQUN8115
EMAR8125 Marketing for Educational Institutions  EINT8125 Instructional Technology EINT8125 Instructional Technology NIL
Semester 1-Year 2 Required
 EITE8215 Key Issues and Trends in 21st. Century Education EATK8115
 EDOC8215 Doctoral Seminar EQUN8115
Semester 2-Year 2 Required
 EDIS82240 Dissertation EDOC8215
Semester 1-Year 3
 Proposal Defence (PD)
Semester 2-Year 3 Required
 Dissertation Defence Completed PD


Each course is 5 credits.
Dissertation : 40 credits.
Semester 1 year 1 (3 courses) = 15 credits
Semester 2 year 1 (3 courses) = 15 credits
Semester 1 year 2 (2 courses) = 10 credits
Semester 2 year 2 (Dissertation) = 40 credits