The Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) offered by the Center for Post Graduate Studies, University College Fairview, is a Fully Accreditated Programme by the Malaysian Qualification Authority (MQA). Successful completion of this programme allows you to apply for a teaching job in Malaysian Public, Private and International schools.

In addition, PGDE Graduates can continue towards a Master in Education award upon the successful completion of an additional course, EPRO7212 – Project.

Further, graduates can also apply to register for provisional or Full registration with the General Teaching Council For Scotland to be a teacher in Scotland.(see details below)

Provisional or Full Registration in Primary Education

Candidates will be trained and focused on the primary age range (PYP) during the PG Dip programme. Full Registration could be considered where the teacher has taught in the primary age range for a minimum of 190 days (full-time) or 270 days (part-time) following the award of the PG Dip.

Provisional or Full registration in Secondary Education in specialist subject area (e.g. Secondary Education Mathematics).

Candidates are trained and focused on a specialist subject area within the secondary age range (MYP or MYP + DP) during the PG Dip programme. Full Registration could be considered where the teacher has taught their specialist subject area across the secondary age range (12 to 18 years) for a minimum of 190 days (full-time) or 270 days (part-time) following the award of the PG Diploma.

Programme Structure

Pgde : Part – Time (2 years) / Full – Time (1 year)

Entry requirements

Candidate may be admitted into the programme through :

A Bachelor’s degree with CGPA 2.5


A bachelor’s degree with CGPA between 2.0 and 2.5 will need to have at least 5 years working experience


Other equivalent qualifications recognized by the Malaysian Government


List of courses offered in the programme

1 ETL 7113 Exploring Teaching and Learning
2 ETLA7113 Teaching & learning in Action
3 EDPP7113 Developing Professional Practcie
4 EIBC7124 IB Curriculum Processes
5 EIBT7124 IB Teaching and Learning
6 EIBA7124 IB Assessment and learning
7 EIBP7123 IB Professional Learning
8 EIRM7214 Understanding Research Methodology
9 EERP7216 Educational Research Practice